Saturday, December 18, 2010

District Leader

What Up Familia,
Wow! I don't know about you guys but the time is flying by so fast. It seems literally just like yesterday that you dropped me off at the MTC in Provo. Can you believe it has been a month? only 23 left. I don't really know where to start so i'll just start with my compaƱero. His name is Elder Guevara, he's from right here in Lima. He's super quiet and reserved. He is really nice and tiny in stature, maybe five foot nothing. The only problem with him is that he knows like almost perfect English that he taught himself for the past six years. It's bad because he'll just talk to me in english and won't make me speak to him in spanish. But that's okay. My spanish is coming along, maybe not as well as i would like but it is improving. I know i shouldn't do it, but i compare myself to other Elders in my district and it seems like they get it easier than i do. All is well, i'll be fine. So like i said in my other email, that meeting was because i'm the District Leader. It doesn't really mean much, just an extra meeting a week and the authority to open the mailbox. My teachers pretty much just talk in spanish during class and i can understand most of it so that's good, but i can't understand my companion as well as my teachers. It's super hard to do companionship study and lesson planning with him though becuase of that barrior. So in my room there's five other elders. Usually there's three norte americanos and three latinos but this one only has two nortes and four latinos. So i'm even more immersed than others. There are some latinos that are really outgoing and just want to talk to their companions about everything in spanish and want to teach them but my companion doesn't really do that so i get discouraged sometimes. The food is really good for the first few days but then it just gets boring. It's not gross or anything it's just that it's the same thing almost everyday. Meat, rice, bread, egg, and some kind of dessert. That's it. They serve ice cream on wednesdays and sundays so those are the best days ever. We get PE everyday and all we play is soccer. It´s good but then again, it´s boring. Since we're so close to the equator here its pretty easy to get a tan. I'm even showing a little bit of it; not sun burn, tan. Because we're only outside for like 45 minutes everyday, it's not long enough to sun burn, but it is long enough to tan. Like you guys said, it´s pretty humid here but it's been pretty nice, like 70-75 degrees in the day and 50 ish during the night. Today was p-day so we got to go to the temple. The temple is so small. The endowment rooms only hold like 20 people and i got to use a translator, that was wierd. And we have to take a local bus to the temple which is about 5 minutes away, but its a crazy experience. I'm kind of running out of stuff to say because everything goes by so fast here. I'm glad that the utes won becuase for a brief moment, i thought i heard someone say that byu won, but that was on monday and there's no way they would have known for sure if that was true. Oh, we go out proselyting on Saturday and i'm pretty anxious becuase i really have no idea how to teach in spanish but hopefully i'll learn really fast. I might have a chance later today to email some pictures so just wait, i don´t have time right now. But i can't make any promises. I love you all so much and i wish i could say i miss the snow, but not so much. I told my district we could only sing christmas hymns when it snows here, they didn't excactly like that. Read the scriptures as a family, just do it. I know it's hard becuase we want to watch tv and stuff but if you do it in another room that can make it easier to not be distracted. You guys could use my room. I know you will all feel the spirit. Once again i love you all (yes even lucy). Talk to you next week. Elder Child. PS. DO NOT send me packages becuase they will not get here, and they will be super expensive to pick up. Oh, and you can send letters here for the next three weeks but on the fourth you need to address them to my mission address. Thanks!

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