Saturday, December 18, 2010

Beautiful Provo

Hey Family,
Greetings from wonderfully beautiful Provo. This place is really a prison as i'm finding out. The weather has turned bad so i'm really grateful that i'm leaving on Wednesday. Speaking of leaving, my companion is not leaving with me. That's right, his visa didn't go through but mine did. There's a group of us going to Peru on Wednesday so I won't be alone but still that's too bad for him. He'll just have to stay until his visa comes. So sorry about the tree in the back yard, I hope it's still there when I get back, it was a good tree. And also sorry about the utes losing to notre dame, that could have been good for their rep. But that's okay they'll still beat that team across the campus. I can hear their games on saturday's, it's pretty lame. Also sorry for the appliances, i didn't know Heavenly Father loved me that much, so just think of it like that. The work is continually difficult here, but it's also rewarding. My companion and I don't have great chemistry when we're teaching so it makes it awkward and stressful, but i know it's just part of learning how to be in a companionship. I've completely fell in love with the Book of Mormon this week. I've learned that it truly is the greatest tool we have herer in the mission field. You can answer any question about life from the Book of Mormon. Please read it along with Preach My Gospel and I promise you'll feel comforted and blessed. There's been alot that has happened this week but it's gone by so fast. Well, the computer totally like froze last time i got on so it cut my time by five minutes so this week's letter might be a little shorter, sorry! Thanks a lot for the pictures, they really make me feel good. It's great to see your smiling faces, i hope you guys are okay without me. Stay busy. I miss all of you but puttting my heart and sould and energy into the work makes it so much easier. Hopefully all goes well on my way to Peru. It feels like I just got here and now i'm leaving. I've started to make some really good friends with the Elders in my district so it will be hard to leave; but then again, it snowed today so now i do want to go to Lima. I still don't know the best way to send pictures from here sorry. I haven't done the best job getting pictures either, sorry again. I'll make sure to take more in peru. Also, thanks alot mom for the package of fruit. at first i wasn't happy because i can get all that fruit at the cafeteria, but i can't take it to my room so it was good after all. I think i might leave so food behind but maybe not. We can take 50 pounds international because we're flying Delta. But i'm not sure if i'm going to have to check a third bag, because i think my backpack counts as a carry on. Hopefully it all turns out okay. If not, then i'll just carry my backpack on and hope that my bags show up that day. Feel free to send letters because i can get them everyday but i can only check email once a week and i only have thirty mintutes (or 20 today) to check it. Love you All, have a great week.
Elder Child
PS The church is true.

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