Saturday, August 11, 2012

It's Kind of a Long Story!!!!

Hey Family!!!

I missed you guys soooo much these past two weeks, just want to tell you all I'M ALIVE!!!!!! Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts and concerns. I can imagine how worried you were  from not hearing from a loved one for a couple of weeks! I can explain everything but I don't know if I have the time to do so.

Alright, so last week was all good till Tuesday. My companion has had this weird growth thing on his thigh for about a week and it started hurting pretty bad so we finally called the President's wife and she said we should go to the hospital. So we go to the hopsital and the doctor said my comp shouldn't be walking. He had an infection that I have no idea how we say it in English so I won't try. So my comp and I had to go to the hospital every day for four days so they could clean the infection then on Friday he had another visit with the doctor. Turns out his leg got worse instead of better and the doctor said, you know what, you have to be in the hopsital for the next two weeks or we have to amputate your leg!!! That was a little bit of a shocker. Of course we were super bummed and I kind of flipped out becuase we have a ton of work to do. So that night Friday we started our "hostage" situation in the hospital. I tried to set up splits with the priests in our ward and a couple of days I was able to leave but the majority of the time I was stuck in the hospital too. It was kind of a weird experience becuase my comp was fine but he had to have an IV and tons of anitbiotics.  So we spent a ton of time together  and the nurses got mad a lot becuase my comp just couldn't sit still in his bed and had to get up and walk around. Luckily Saturday in the afternoon the doctor came in and said, Hey it's not as serious as we thought you can leave on Tuesday!! We were super happy for that.

Now, I wasn't able to write on Monday becuase we were stuck in the hospital and I couldn't get two people to do splits the whole day. So since I couldn't get to a computer sadly I wasn't able to read your letters or write you either. Believe me, I was more worried about what mom would do over the phone to my mission president than about getting to read the letters from my family!!!! I was definately praying for you all this week.

So after Tuesday my comp was released from the hospital but he was ordered to stay in bed for another five days, till sunday. So it was pretty much the same story this past week, in the house not doing much, but at least I was able to sleep in my own bed.

I grew to be really thankful for all the blessings my Father in Heaven gives to me everyday. I am very grateful for my health, I really haven't had to suffer that much in the mission. I'm grateful for a family that writes me letters every week, well at least most weeks. And I'm very grateful for the restored gospel in my life and the plan of salvation. We taught an investigator a coulple of times this week that grew up in a Jehovah's witness family and it's apparent their desire to learn all they can about God and try to do the right things. But, they don't have all the knowledge we have about the pure and simple truths of the gospel.

Hope you all have a good week and thanks for the pictures you've been sending me.


Elder Child

Here are some pretty funny pictures from the barbeque the other week.

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