Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's always good to end transfers with a baptism!!

Hey Family,

I'm so grateful to hear about this past week from you guys. It sounds like summer is winding down nicely over there and school is starting up for some and work for others. I'm glad you were also able to enjoy yourselves at a ward activity. That rarely happens where I'm at in the mission so it will be nice to actually go to a well planned ward activity here in a few months. I know God answers prayers becuase my little brother got his job to pay for his mission, I was happy to here about that.

So this week was actually pretty CRAZY!!! It started off pretty cool because we taught a super awesome lesson Tuesday night to an investigator we've been teaching for like 5 months, Diana. Diana lives with her aunt and uncle in our ward. They are members but she was raised Jehovah's Witness. She has come to church for the past 4 months and she likes it but always said it was different. She had a natural interest in the church becuase it was different and she wanted to hear more about prophets and apostles that we have now. But she always had doubts about certain things. Little by little we helped her with her doubts and questions. Then she started to read the Book of Mormon regularly and her faith got huge. So Tuesday we talked about Alma 30 with Corihor and asking signs from God. Diana had prayed and read before about the Book of Mormon but kept telling us that she didn't want to get baptized becuase she was waiting for a bigger answer from God. So when we read that chapter with her she really got touched and the spirit testified that she had to exercise her faith and just do it. The members helped us out with a couple of good testimonies. I'm so glad for that because in that lesson she made the decision to get baptized!! We had her baptism on Saturday in the afternoon and even though not a lot of people showed up, her testimony was the best part. I love new convert testimonies becuase usually it is so pure.

The other crazy thing that happened this week is that we had transfers. I was seriously doubting my transfer because I wanted to end in Palacios. The members here are really my friends and I've have some awesome experiences with them. So after visiting a few families last night we waited till 1:30 AM for the phone call. I was a little discouraged when they told me I had transfers. I was sad to leave that awesome ward I was in but the Lord has called me to work in another part of the mission for the last 3 months of my mission. I had to pack all my stuff and call a few people and say goodbye to the boys that I lived with, that was tough, they were like my brothers. So I went to bed at 3:30 and got up at 6:00 to catch my bus to my new area. I'm now in a part that's called CamanĂ . Its the coastal part of Arequipa so yup I got to see the beach this morning. I hope I can do a good job here. My new comp is called Elder Pino, he's from Chile, he's 18 (week younger than Alex) and has been out for a month now. I hope I can teach him the things he needs to know to be successful as a missionary. Its a great responsibility.

Well, that's about it. Pray for me here. I was really bummed out about leaving this past area because I was there for 6 months but I know I'll make new friends here in this area. I love you all so much, waiting for the package hope it comes this week.

Have an awesome week.


Elder Child

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