Monday, April 16, 2012

Transfers and Easter

Hey Family,
What's up fam how's it going? I'm so glad to here about all of your weeks in Easter. This week really was special and I'm so grateful to be in this area and to get to know all of these special members. I'm glad to hear that my family is a little famous for being on T.V. for the Jazz game. That's so cool, I wish one day I'll be able to go to a Jazz game again. I was going through those pictures you sent me from last year's Easter and was laughing at how crazy my family is. Keep up the craziness!!!

So this week, like I said, was really cool. It was cool becuase we had another baptism that we weren't really planning on having. The thing is there was this kid that had been listening to the missionaries for like a year. His mom isn't a member but is living with an inactive. The problem was that they always wanted the grandpa to baptize him and this week the grandpa was able to come to Arequipa to do the baptism.  So that was pretty cool to see after sacrament meeting.

Something we really learned this week was the importance of the members in this work. The ward I'm in right now is actually a lot better than most of the others in this mission. They actually help most of the time and do stuff for us. I can really see the difference becuase now, instead of being worried about all the logistical things (filling the font, inviting people to the baptism, organizing the program, giving talks, buying refreshments, picking people up at thier houses) we are more focused on teaching the people and getting references and focusing more on the teaching. Our mission President told us that the highest baptizing mission is in Salt Lake City, Utah. I heard that before the mission but didn't believe it till now. Then he explained why. Its becuase of the members. The members see friends or neighbors and actually talk to them. They invite them to Family Home Evening, help them move in, help them with their problems, give them cookies, invite them and take them to church, answer questions, pretty much everything. The missionaries are just in charge of the teaching, which is how it should be. They baptized more than 500 in March (which is ridiculous) and now they have to make another mission in Utah to handle the load. I was thinking a lot about that and hope we all look at our own missionary efforts. Are we helping or hurting?  Or are we just doing nothing (which is the same as hurting the cause)? I know that my family tries to do what they can but I encourage you to go up to the missionaries and ask them what you can do for them instead of waiting for them to ask you.

Every day I feel my savior's love, especially this week. I had to do an interview to try and encourage a family to leave behind thier doubts and just make the decision to get baptized. I prayed for help becuase I had no idea what they needed to hear. In the end we found out that they didn't want to get batptized because they weren't married even though they told the sisters they were. Now they can make plans and goals to get married and get baptized. I know that the Lord helps us to fulfill our callings. We had an interview with President Fernandez this week that really helped me. I know that we are in the Lord's work. We have another baptism this week, Cluver. He's such a boss!! He cried during Sacrament meeting becuase he felt the spirit so strong.

Thanks for the package and all your prayers, I really feel them every day. We are working sooo hard with my new companion and only God and I know why we had emergency transfers.

Your Son and Brother
Elder Child

P.S. What happened in March Madness and the Final Four?

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