Monday, January 30, 2012

Nely's Baptism (I'm Not Talking About a Carwash)

Hey Family,

It was so good to read about all your experiences this past week. Every Monday I get anxious to read about all your lifes. Early on in the mission I was more worried about what was going on at home than I was about what was going on in Peru. Now, I still love you all deeply, but I'm a little more worried about the people we're actually teaching and trying to baptize. But, the fact of the matter is that I'm not a perfect person and I do think about American sports. So I really have to thank my little brother for the sports updates on Mondays. I'm happy that the Jazz aren't getting blown out all the time and that they are a pretty respectable team now. I can't wait to go to a game. I actually really wanted to go to the Bees first, but I'm getting back in November so I doubt I'm going to be able to live out that dream. Everybody keeps telling me that there's hardly any snow this year and that the end of the world is coming soon, sorry about that. Out here in Moquegua it actually rained!!! We left a lesson at like 9:20 and had to run back to the room. Luckily we didn't have to go up hill so we got there in time. But I was pretty surprised that it rained.

This week was sooo good. After reading about all your prayers and can really attribute what happened this week to you guys. So, I'll try to tell the story. Cristian is a kid in our ward, he's like 19. One day in November we were walking and he stopped us in the street. He told us he had a reference for us and asked if we could teach the reference at 4:00 in the afternoon that day. We were pretty surprised and of course we went to the lesson on short notice!!! He introduced us to his friend Nely. She's going to college here in Moquegua but she's from a place called Puno. Her whole family lives there. She's super shy and when she talks she pretty much whispers but she accepted the gospel really quickly. She was about to get baptized in December but her Dad got really sick so she went to go see him. Then she came back but then went back home for Christmas. Then she said she was going to be home for two more months. We took down her adress becuase she said she really wanted to get baptized and we gave the adress to the zone leaders to pass on to the other mission in Puno. We were happy that at least somebody could baptize her and she could progress. We thought we wouldn't see her for another two months but it turns out she came back early. The first thing we asked her was if she got baptized in Puno. She said no, so we said,"We're having a baptismal service this Saturday, what does the Spirit say you should do?" For the first time in a lesson, she started to cry and was so overwhelmed. She said she would get baptized this Saturday. I was like WOW!!!! I felt the spirit soo strong and I know it was the right thing to ask her in that moment. We had her baptism on Saturday and people actually showed up. It was a good day and at the end of the baptism she bore such a strong testimony. It was the loudest I've ever heard her speak!! Thank you all soooo much for your prayers, I know that the Lord blesses us according to our faith and desires. I love the people here in Peru and little by little I'm learning a lot about their culture.

Well, that's about it for the time. Sorry about not writing a whole lot, but that experience with Nely really touched me. OH, the title is from the car that we had, just in case you were all wondering. My package still hasn't come which doesn't really surprise me. Turns out I might not ever see it so let me know if it gets returned to the States. I hope we can have another baptism this week. Its a couple where the wife is a member but the husband no. He's cool, he just wants a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon. Have a good week and be an example to those around you!!!

Your Son and Brother,
Elder Child

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