Monday, January 23, 2012

Conference is Awesome!

Hey Familia,
What's up guys? I hope this email finds you all in a good mood and in good spirits. I was happy to hear from all of you. I was thinking a little bit in all the people that are getting married after the mission: like Adam and Josh. I wouldn't be surprised if Dallin comes home in July and gets married in like August before I even get home. Time is seriously going by sooo fast. I don't really know what happened to this week it just kind of flew by. I was super stoked to hear about all the blessings that you guys are recieving up there in the States like jobs for Karyn, jobs for Alex, winning churchball, speaking in Church, being in the presence of children who are sinnless in primary, not a ton of road problems from the lack of snow, and of course the Jazz winning. I really am strengthened by your testimonies everyweek, written or unwritten. Its pretty interesting how revelation works, especially this week. I wasn't even trying to think about home at all, but every time I kneeled down to pray at night I felt the impression to pray for the physical welfare of my parents (specifically in the job aspect). I really hope that all is well and that you're not too stressed out or anything.

Well, to start off, Im pretty much grasping for things to write this morning. I really hadn't planned anything to tell you all just because the days go by so fast and the mission isn't quite as new and fresh as it used to be. But this week was a good one. We had a lot of lessons, we found some interesting people and heard crazy stories and experiences from all the Peruvians. I laugh at all the stuff they tell us in their door. Like how they think Joseph Smith is our Jesus, or how the Spirit came upon them like somebody shooting them with a bow and arrow. Or, how God is a telephone. Its definately never a dull experience knocking doors. We also had a pretty cool experience with a couple we are teaching. They really like to listen to us but have no intentions of getting baptized or even praying about the Book of Mormon. I was just about ready to drop them and not make anymore appointments. After the last appointment the wife called us the next day and said she actually did pray and said that for the first time she had a powerful dream about us. Turns out that her husband did too but he's a little too prideful to tell that to us to our face. They actually came to church too. It was pretty cool becuase the husband (Fernando) knows a lot of members and was deeply touched by one of his classmates who gave a talk in sacrament meeting. We are going to try our hardest to help them get baptized this saturday.

Another interesting thing that happened this week was the splits we did with the zone leaders. I went with a Northamerican from Washington D.C. We had the same trainer so thats pretty interesting. It was the first time that I did splits with a Northamerican and we didn't speak a single word of English!! I was pretty shocked actually. You know you've been in another country for a long time when you'd rather speak spanish than English.

I've seen the lord's hand in my life even more this week and Im eternally grateful to be a part of this work. I've been reading the conference ensign every day this week and I'm always moved by the words of the prophets and apostles. I was seriously impacted by the talks from President Eyring and the Prophet. I love how good of an example these men are for me. Sometimes I ask myself, how would I work if Thomas S. Monson was my mission president? How would I work if Henry B. Eyring was my companion? But then I realized that we are always companions with somebody even more perfect. Jesus Christ will always be by our side, we just have to pay attention and think a little bit more of him.

Well, that about sums it up for this week. I hope I get my package by next week. There was a mix up in the Mission office and I have to send another permission letter to an elder so that he can go get my packages. Hopefully they can do me that favor by next monday, I'm getting more and more anxious to see what's in there. Have an awesome week.

Elder Child

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