Monday, January 9, 2012

From Saul to Paul

Hey Family!!!!

This letter is going to be a little short, sorry in advance. I sent some pictures to Nicole so I hope she gets them and shares them with you all. My comp totally loves his hair and sometimes it frustrates me! But I love him like a son. He had a hilarious joke for christmas that I forgot to tell you guys. "Enjoy this Christmas as if it was your last. Signed-The Mayans!" I thought it was funny. Anyways, thank you so much for the updates from home. I really loved the pictures of Grandma. That reminds me of a lesson that I had with a couple we are teaching. The husband is Catholic and the wife is Evangelist. They are really cool and they like to listen to us but they don't want to get baptized becuase they think they have all they need in their religions. So I testified of the sealing power that was restored through the Prohpet Joseph Smith. I testified that I know I will one day be able to see my Grandmother that I don't even know. I have heard stories about her and seen some pictures but I've never talked with her. I really felt the spirit so strong and the wife was really surprised that their marriage could last after death. I know that families can be together forever in this gospel.

So ever since I got to this area I have been teaching this family. The parents got baptized right before I got here. Then we quickly baptized the oldest daughter. The other daughter on the other hand was soooo hard to talk to. She fought on every point of doctrine. She absolutely didn't want to accept Joseph Smith as a prophet or the Book of Mormon. We've been visiting her off an on for the last four months. This past week she completely changed!! She told us she always wanted to get baptized but she was super prideful and didn't want to admit it to her parents. She finally felt the spirit and she prayed and knows now the truthfullness of the gospel. Her name is Paola (hence the title, I think I'm pretty witty.).

I've seen the Lords hand this week in my life and I know that His work will go on until it fills the earth. We just barely got the conference edition of the Ensign and I love it! Can't believe there's going to be 16 temples in Utah. Have a good week everybody. Possibley my last week here becuase of transfers but I'll keep my fingers crossed I really don't want to leave yet.


Elder Child

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