Monday, July 2, 2012

Transfers and Crazy Pictures

Hey Family,

This week was pretty crazy like always. I love to read all of your letters and all of your support. Thanks for the news updates about all the fires in Utah, that sounds kind of stressful actually, the trials never really stop in this life do they? I translated that part of mom's letter when the governor asked the members to pray for the elements and my comp thought that was a hoot! Well, I already wrote Alex about this but on the website we go into to write to our mission president there's a part where you can see ward maps and directories, it's brand new. So I looked through the Heritage Ward directory and Dad's picture comes up with Bishop next to his name. Technology is pretty awesome. All of my comps flipped out and did the same. The church really is worldwide and keeping up with the times!!

Last Monday was super cool as usual because we played soccer as a zone. My comp and some other missionaries had to travel to Lima to do some papers so I was on splits with some other Elders. We taught a lesson to a couple of girls whose mom is inactive. We challenged them to get baptized and becuase of distractions and other things I kind of didn't feel the spirit really strong in that moment but they accepted to get baptized, it was actually a pretty cool experience because we as missionaries should never feel scared or timid about inviting people to repent and get their lifes in order.

Last night we had transfers. I've been in my area for four months now and so most of the members were saying goodbye to me. I felt the love of the members here even if they don't always do their part in the work. We have seen the fruits of our labors though becuase now they are starting to give us references.

So I waited till 4:30 AM to get the tranfer call. And it turns out I'm staying in my area with my same comp!!! Such a waste of a night, couldn't really sleep at all cuz I wanted to know if someone had transfers. Anyways, I'll be here for 6 months and I hope we can get 3 baptisms in the next couple of weeks. We're starting to see some people progress which is really awesome.

Once again my time has run short. I feel like I'm always saying that but it's true. This week I had a fun time looking through the directory so that took up some time. I hope you all enjoy the pictures. The house looks bigger than it really is by the way, they don't have a yard or anything, but I love living with that family. I hope that one day the husband will listen to us and join his family in the church!!! Love you all, you're the best!!

Elder Child

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