Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good Surprises

Hey Family,

Thank you so much for your letters this week. Its always amazing to think about how fast time flies especially in the mission. I can't believe that a year ago I was where I was and all the stuff that has happened since then. I also can't believe that it's already the 4th of July and fireworks, baseball games, bbqs, and my best friend's homecoming!!! Wow, I honestly was stunned to see Dallin's picture standing next to Alex and Karyn!! It sounds like it was a good sacrament meeting with the spirit testifying of the truthfulness of this gospel and the importance of this work. I can't wait to get back and see Dallin and his family, they are like my second family. Sorry to hear about the dogs' mischief this week.

This week for me was one full of surprises, good surprises. Like I said last week I didn't get transferred so that was actually kind of a surprise. We just chilled out in the house last week and prepared for this week, I like to take one day a week and just rest. Wednesday was a great day for us. We got to do some real work that day for a few hours and saw the blessings. We found a family whose son has some problems but wants to get help, wants to change and keep the commandments. Then we were just walking on the huge hill and a lady was on her balcony and said, "Hi, are you guys teaching about Jesus or what?" We then started to teach the Restored Gospel not to just her but to her husband too. It was pretty awesome, I love it when people come up to US to hear the Gospel. They are really humble and don't have much as far as their house or money but they are pretty receptive. The only problem is that they aren't married so they will take a little longer to get baptized.

The next really cool surprise also came Wednesday. We went to an appointment with some investigators that I've had since I got here. They are references from a good member family in the ward. They have pretty much just playing around with the idea of getting baptized, sometimes listening to us, sometimes not, but lately they've been progressing. They are two sisters, Paola and Monica. We were just talking about the Book of Mormon a little bit and Monica (who was the more difficult of the two) was like, "You know what, I want to get baptized, I've already decided". We were pretty stunned. I was super happy!!! Then we asked her why. She just prettty much described all these really awesome feelings she gets when she's talking to us and to that member family, its like she doesn't have problems. We testified of the Spirit and she felt awesome. They are getting baptized on the 21st of July.

Well my time is gone now but I just want you all to know how much I love each one of you and I KNOW that the Spirit testifies of things we need to know even if we aren't expecting it. They talked about the wierdest subject in Sacrament meeting sunday, cleaning the church. I wasn't expecting anything spritiual but I was pondering about how I feel when I clean the church and the Spirit testified to me that when we clean the church the Lord cleans us spiritually. I love that..

Hopè you all have a good week, clean the church to recieve the remission of your sins!!

Elder Child

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