Monday, November 21, 2011

Otmar: Weird Name, Cool Guy

Hey family,

It's good to hear from all of you like all the other Mondays. We have
a little bit more time each week to write now so I'm not stressed
about being able to read my emails and trying to write too. It sounds
like you're all doing okay so that-s good. Sorry about the apostrophes
again, hey, its Peru what can I say. (Just found out that the question
mark doesnt work either, that-s cute).

This week was a lot better than last week. The Lord really wanted me
to learn a lot last week and I kind of didnt so thats why it was
difficult, but Im good now. Thats intereting to hear about the leaves
falling there in the States. It doesnt ever get that cold here so Ill
never see that. Well, if there were trees, that would be a little bit
different, they dont exactly plant too many trees here, or grass, or
plants in general. We saw a house with plants on their porch this week
and my comp was like, wow I want to live there, it was pretty

I love my companion. He is a hard worker and he makes me laugh all
day. He knows some english and his accent is so funny. Hes from the
capital Bogata and hes comes from a well off family but hes actually
humble enough for me to train him. He actually listens to me and we
get along well. He has actually taught me a lot too.

This week I got to do splits with the big baseball fan in the zone,
Elder Hansen. He has a month and a half more than me. We pretty much
just talked about sports the whole day, it was a good break from the
norm. His area is a lot like my first area, Characato!!!! I really
miss that place. I hope that one day in the future I will be blessed
enough to be able to go back there and visit all of the members of the
church and visit the places we always went to.

Well, this week I was really grateful for our fan that keeps us cool
at night. I was grateful for sports in my life that Im convinced was
given to us by God so that we dont go insane. Im grateful for semi
warm water. Im grateful for paved roads. Im grateful for shade. Im
grateful for cold soda. Im grateful for sunscreen. Im also grateful
for my mom for cooking a lot of interesting food becuase some people
just dont like the food here but I love it!!! But all joking aside, Im
most grateful for my savior and redeemer Jesus Christ. I think about
how ungrateful sometimes we are because of our actions but He doesnt
care. He will always be there for us no matter what we do.

I love you all. Have a good week.

Elder Child
P.S. We are actually going to have a baptism this week. His name is
Otmar and Ill tell you all about him next week but just know that the
Lord really is preparing people to hear this Gospel.

P.SS. The only thing I want for Christmas specifically is maybe a new
tie, and a Cardinals 2012 calendar (not just like their games, but the
whole year). Thanks.\

PSS Alex, what-s with the UTES

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