Friday, March 11, 2011

Crazy Short Letter

Hola Familia,
Sorry that this letter is so short this week but I didn't have much
time. We have to start writing longer letters to the president and my
spanish isn't that great so it took me a while. Anyways, just to let
you all know, the rain has pretty much stopped here so that's good.
That means that our roof has stopped leaking and our room is getting
drier. We had a bapism this week which was pretty sweet. Her name is
Stefani and she's 27. She has a boyfriend who is a member, so she was
more interested in the church. She was taking the lessons for like a
year before we met her, so pretty much we just needed to get her to go
to church and live some other commitments. She really does have a
testimony which is rare for a convert here at first.
The family that lives in San Antonio has been our focus lately. They
have really good kids and are ready for the gospel but they have
challenges. We are working hard to get them to church and to help the
dad stop drinking. We think we can baptize them this month, but they
have to attend church which is 25 minutes away, so it's going to be
My health is looking up. I took the medicine that I needed last Sunday
and it seemed to help. I'm pretty much back to normal now.
Last night was a huge party for here in Peru. I don't even know what
it's called. I'm pretty sure it's thier Carnaval, so every Sunday they
have a party. It was pretty sweet in the afternoon becuase we ate
probably the best food I've had here on the mission. It's called
Pollada, and it's spice rub fried chicken. It was super good!
I'll probably be able to get you pictures by the end of the month,
just wait. Then you'll have like a thousand pictures to look at and
print out and stuff.
I don't know if the Liahona magazine here has the same articles as the
Ensign but there was one in this months issue that I really liked. It
was by President Packer. He talked about allowing less active members
and recent converts participate in church. He says that often times we
call on the Bishop, the Stake President, Relief Society President, and
other extremely faithful members to give prayers, talks, testimonies,
and answer questions in Sunday School. But really we need to give
these spiritual opportunities to those who need them to build their
testimonies. If you can get that article and read it I would
definately encourage you all to do so. Once again, sorry for the short
letter and all but just know that I'm fine and my comp is fine too. I
completed four months on the mission this past week, it doesn't even
seem that long ago I said goodbye to everyone in front of the MTC.
Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts. I really do love all of you.

Till Next Week,
Elder Child

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