Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

Hey Child Family!!!!!
Thank you so much for the letters that you have sent me this week. I am so grateful for all your thoughts and prayers and for your experiences. I can't believe it was actually a week ago that I last heard from you all. I honestly believe that time just speeds by ten times faster here in the mission. I hope Nicole sends you all the pictures that I sent her from the past week and the baptisms and some other stuff.

So as you all know we moved last week to a room that's way closer to our food and is all around just so much nicer. So las monday we thought we were going to move at like 1:00 so we ate lunch really fast then started taking everything apart and packing everything up. We planned with a member to take all our stuff in his truck our new room so that we didn't have to pay for people to do it for us. So we were just like waiting there for another hour and decided to call him. Turns out he was in another city and wouldn't be back till 4:00 so we were just like, yea that's fine we can take a nap and listen to MoTab. Then it started raining!!!!! It almost never rains here in Moquegua but it just so happened that last monday it had to rain!!! The problem is that we moved all our stuff outside to clean the room and pack everthing up. So we had to hurry up and move everything back in the room, so much trouble. Then we called the member again and he said he couldn't get there till 8:00 so we were like yea lets just go hire somebody. But becuase of the rain nobody wanted to work and we were pretty much left out to dry (or wet). We prayed a little and decided to just start taking our stuff to the other room and prepare it for the beds and furniture that we have. We had to take everything up three flights of stairs and move a whole bunch of stuff that was in the stairwells. It was a lot of working out!!!! We finally we able to get the member to help us and we finished moving in at like 9:30!! Finally free!!! I was so happy to be able to sleep in the new room.

After monday, this week just flew by. I honestly don't know where the time went. One day we were able to go to a tiny town that is part of our area in the mountains. Its called Torata and it reminded me a lot of my first area in Characato. I was at home!!! We went with a member to teach his extended family who aren't members and we had some good experiences there. We were blessed to have three baptisms on Saturday too!!! I was so happy to see that actually go through. A member's two boys got baptized and another sister's husband got baptized too. We had to do two seperate services and I had to baptize at night in the cold water. It was a good experience though. I'm sorry but I have to go. I know that this gospel is true and that it makes us happier than anything else. I love to teach people this and I hope I can be a good example to these people in Peru.

Elder Child

P.S. Thanks soooooooooooooooo much for the Cards calendar. It FINALLY got here on Thursday and I was soo happy. I think I might be able to get some packages here in the next week!!

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