Monday, May 23, 2011

Just Because Cards

Hey Family,
Wow, I've got almost no time today to write, so sorry for the short letter. I was reading all of your letters and I absolutely love them by the way. I'm sorry to hear that it's raining so much and nobody can grow plants and stuff. I hear that flooding from all the snow in the mountains is also a big issue too. I'm absolutely glad to hear all the good baseball news, and that's pretty crazy about Dirk Nowitzki. I'm glad that chicago realizes what kind of a player Carlos Boozer is. Albert Pujols is my man, what's his contract status? How are the Big Four in Philly doing? Happy birthday Nicole!!!! I'm actually really sorry to hear about Edna and Terry Curling. That is a sad story but I know she is happier now.

Ummm, this week went by sooooooooooo fast that I really don't even know where to start. Last Monday was the most eventful day because I actually got to go pick up my package. It only took 3 HOURS. But that's okay, your love and thougts are worth more to me than any amount of time. The belts fit, thanks for the peanut butter, snacks, and of course vitamins. No, really, the vitamins I believe are keeping me alive. It's cold and flu season here becuase this month and the next is "winter", but I haven't felt even the slightest amount of the cold coming on. Thanks a ton for the Baseball Preview of Sports Illustrated, It only distracted me for a little bit! The only depressing thing is that it's a month old and I wish I could find out exactly what's going on right now in the league.

After I picked up your package, we just got back to work. Like I said before, the people here are just never home and it makes the work slow and frustrating. Yes, we have members and those things, but our investigators keep flaking out on us. Just trying to be patient. Thursday I got all the cards and pictures. My aunts and uncles are so hilarious, so is Alex.  I too wish that you had sent me a just becuase card, why? becuase those are hilarious!!!!!!!!!! Hope the mexican food and custard was good (so jealous). I'm sorry to hear that mom didn't get to give her whole talk, maybe she could talk to the bishop about that. Friday was actually really interesting becuase we went to a new area that some missionaries are going to open next transfer. We went with the Zone leaders and the Assistants to jump start the area. It's out a ways from the zone and has a lot of humble people (no paved roads) It really reminded me of Characato and I felt at home again. I worked that day with my zone leader, Elder Vargas. He taught me a ton. I am always glad to be working in this work of the Lord becuase even though it's hard, HE always blesses us.

I can't believe my time is up, but it is. Thank you so much for everything you do for me and all your love. I look forward to hear from you all next week. Maybe we'll go play some FĂștbol this week.


Your Missionary,

Elder Child

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